Monday, November 28, 2011

So glad for Monday!

"Gray day. Everything is gray. I watch, but nothing moves today." from Many Colorful Days by Dr. Seuss

What a strange weekend...
Not strange in the sense that all kinds of weird things happened, but strange in that it was one of the most unproductive weekends I can remember. Days where you don't know where the time went because you were trapped in some kind of haze of laziness. Now, don't get me wrong, I love a good lazy day, full of cuddling with the family, watching movies under blankets, etc. But this was the kind of soul-sucking lazy day where socks sat on the floor in front of the couch for most of the weekend because I couldn't be bothered to reach down and pick them up...because once I pick them up I have to put them somewhere, and goodness knows the bathroom hamper is so far out of my way... One of those days where yes, I technically got dressed (though socks and a bra were too much of a bother), and I think I brushed my hair, but honestly I can't be sure.
And I realized that at the end of my slump I wasn't the only one who felt put off by it all. Hubby stayed in pj's all day, and the kids got dressed mainly because they dressed themselves. We were all a bit more irritable, my body was  more sore and tired than normal, both of the kids were more whiney and bickered with each other more, the cats slept the day away in other rooms. The tv was on all day, but I don't even know what was on. Football I guess.
Looking back, I realized that the best part of the day for me was puttering in the kitchen making a pot pie to use up the leftover turkey and chicken from the weekend. It felt so nice being barefoot in the kitchen, unrolling pie dough, chopping and cooking veggies and mixing in the other ingredients and pinching the top crust over the rest of the milky white vintage Pyrex baking dish. When it was hot and bubbly, with a gorgeous golden crust, it was great to sit at the table and have dinner together. After some complaining from the kids that it looked "gross", a little coaxing and once they took a bite Big D's face lit up and he explaimed "This is exquisite!" lol He loves his new big word. And while I'm not sure it truly ranks as exquisite, I felt cheered that they enjoyed it. I wish I had taken a picture of it.
I really need to remember to take pictures of the little things.
Fast forward through an unproductive evening, and now we arrive at Monday. I woke up in a bit of a panic since I had no idea where Big's backpack was, whether he even had clean clothes, and needed to pack a bag for Lil A with a change of clothes in case she has an accident at Dad's house. But for all the rushing I felt in control for the first time all weekend. We were back in our routine. And we got out the door and to school a bit earlier than we have been the last couple weeks. I dropped Lil off, got to chat with my dad for a few minutes and off to work I went.
It's been so good to be back in my "normal" routine today. I realized that time isn't something to be squandered like we did this weekend. Some things I was grateful for this week:
  • Cooking for my family. I really love it.
  • Thrift stores. That's where I did my Black Friday shopping and found some great things!
  • Hugs. Our family didn't share enough of these this weekend and we all suffered for it.
  • Dinner together. It's something that we generally don't negotiate on, unless the house is filled with hubby's friends and there is lots of pizza involved.
  • Enclosed shower stall. I dislike just about everything in my bathroom including the shower the size of a phone booth, but for bathing cats it was a godsend.
 How was your weekend? Productive? Lazy (in a good way)?

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